Unlike most European countries, Malta drives on the left.
Malta was an English colony until recently, and this practice of traveling against the trend of the English still manifests itself here. This is why Malta is one of several nations that drive in the left lane.

Speed limits
In Maltese urban centres the speed limit is 50 km/h unless otherwise indicated on road signs in areas with high pedestrian traffic such as schools and hospitals; on extra-urban roads the limit is set at 80 km/h. The same limit as extra-urban roads applies on high traffic roads and it should be remembered that Malta does not have motorways.
Child seats and reducers
The Maltese Highway Code provides for the mandatory use of seat belts for all occupants of a vehicle. Children under the age of 3 must travel secured in suitable and approved child seats. Children under the age of 12 and in any case less than 1.50 meters tall must sit on special boosters and in any case always with the seat belt fastened.
safety measures
Cars rented in Malta must have a warning triangle, first aid kit andfire extinguisher on board. We remind you that in Malta you drive on the left and that the directions and road signs are written in English but it is not uncommon to find toponyms also written in Maltese.
In Malta there is no provision for the payment of fines on the spot to the authorities who have contested the possible infringement. If a foreigner is fined, however, he is obliged to pay the fine before leaving the island. Otherwise, please check our terms and conditions for payment of fines.

If you wish to visit the capital of Malta, Valletta, you should be aware that a pass is required upon entry and the amount varies depending on the duration, further details can be checked at the link https://secure.cva.gov.mt/.
Furthermore, the entry point and exits are indicated at the following link https://secure.cva.gov.mt/Page/Boundaries (CVA Boundary / Entry & Exit Points).
Any missing passes will result in a fine which can only be paid by the Car Rental Company and not individually, as CVA Fines are issued approximately 2-3 months later.
The amount of the CVA fine as established by our General Terms and Conditions and according to your authorization, signed at the beginning of the rental period, must be charged to your credit/debit card. In addition, the amount of €30.00 + 18% VAT will also be charged as an additional service for managing the case.
A few meters outside and around Valletta you can also find free parking in designated areas as you can see in the link https://mt.parkopedia.com/parking/floriana/ arriving and also a multi-storey car park which is obviously subject to a fee.
How the system works
Controlled vehicular access uses Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) technology and dedicated camera systems to monitor and photograph vehicles entering and exiting the CVA border.
The system then automatically calculates the time the vehicle has been within the Valletta CVA border and finally calculates the fee payable for access and parking based on the fees issued by Transport Malta.