Pick up date and time
lun gen
00 :00
Drop off date and time
lun gen
00 :00
Best price
Quality of service, low price
Free cancellation
Within 72 hours before the pick up date
unlimited mileage
No limits of driving

Cookies statements

Privacy information about cookies - art.13 Privacy Code

We inform you about cookies operativity in this "website".

"Cookie" definition

Cookies are short text excerpts (letters and/or numbers) sent from the site and memorised in your browser on the device you use (computer, tablet, smartphone) and contain information you can use while surfing on the site even the following days. Cookies are memorised according to customer's preferences.

Moreover, with the introduction of the HTML 5 different storage and similar technologies, such as, web beacon and transparent GIF, are used to get informartion on the user's behaviour about the services.

In this document, to sum up, we use the term "cookie" to refer to cookie and to similar technologies.

Cookie types

According to cookies features and their use there are two macro categories:

- technical or session cookies. Necessary cookies which allow a correct site functioning and are used to manage logins and access to restricted areas. Their duration is strictly limited to surfing session (when closed, cookies are cancelled) except long lasting cookies which can recognise, for a limited period, the user's computer or device - by an alphanumeric code issued as the session started. Their deactivation may affect login services. The public part of the site remains usable

In this category there are the "cookie analytics", used to check the internet traffic and the use of the site anonymously. These cookies, though they do not identify the user, allow to check whether the same user connects back in different moments. They also check the system and improve its performance and use. Deactivation of such cookies can be carried without functioning loss.

The use of cookies is allowed even without consent. .

- Profiling and marketing cookies. They are permanent cookies used to identify (anonymously and not) the user's preferences and improve his/her surfing experience, creating specific profiles which send commercial messages according to user's choices. SICILY BY CAR site does not use these cookies.

third part cookies

By visiting a web site you may receive either cookies from the same site (owners) or from other organisations (third part).

The management of the information by third parts is ruled by relevant policies which we kindly suggest to refer to.

To guarantee a high transparency and ease, find attached the categories and web addresses of the different policies, and the management methods of third part cookies.

Cookie name : Google Analytics
Cookie category : Relentless
Target: Statistics analysis and report
Treatment owner : Google Inc
Read google policy

Cookie duration

Some cookies (session cookies) remain active up to browser closure or at logout. Other cookies "survive" after closing the browser and are available for the following visits.

These cookies arew persistent and their duration is controlled by the server at the moment of theire creation. In some cases a deadline is fixed, in some others is unlimited.

Except these cookies, whose information are memorised for technical reasons. SICILY BY CAR does not use persistant cookies.Nevertheless, surfing on the web pages, you can interact with third part sites which can create or modify permanent or profiling cookies.

Cookie management

The user can decide either to accept or not the cookies using his/her own browser settings.

Attention: the total or partial deactivation of the technical cookies can affect the site function reserved for registered users. On the contrary, public material is also available by deactivating the cookies completely

. The deactivation of third part cookies does not affect surfing .

The setting can be done in specific ways according to websiter and apps. Moreover, the best browsers allow to define different settings for ownwer's or third part cookies

. It is possible to access a control panel where you can define whether to accept ot not the different cookies and remove them.

We also remind you that in deactivating the cookies, the user may not be able to use all the interactive functions.

Refreshing of a policy

Sicily by car will maintain this policy constantly updated. Sicily by car - Autoeuropa will publish on sicily by car sites or the updated policy through them.